Reading the Label
In all my knitting workshops I like to start off the workshop by highlighting the wealth of information you can get from the yarn label. Its so disappointing when you buy some yarn you’ve fallen in love with, made a gorgeous item and then accidentally “felted” (shrunk) it in the washing machine because you didn’t realise it was hand wash only ….
The label gives us information on the needle size to use (crochet and knitting), how to care for it (i.e hand wash or dry clean for example), the dye lot, shade number and weight of the yarn also. Often there is also a tension square and always you are told the fibre of the yarn which is what determines how you care for it. Cheaper yarns will have mad made fibre in them such as acrylic and the more expensive the yarn the more natural it is. Remember though that acrylic can go in the washing machine and 100% pure wool can’t … think about this when you are about to start your project.
For example, a new mom won’t want to be hand washing a beautiful blanket you made her, she will want to be able to put it all in the washing machine with the other stuff …..
So here I hope to shed some light on the label and why its important to read the label first before buying it for a project.
Here is our label:

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