Clever Crafty Mom ….
This is my mom’s work in progress for the baby’s nursery – I am loving it. She is using a technique called decoupatch which is just a modern day version of decoupage. Decopatch products can be bought at John Lewis or online. The craze at the moment is to decopatch an item such as an animal figurine, letters of the alphabet, boxes, frames etc but you can also add it to paintings like my mom is doing and its really effective. Here is a tuturial showing you how to cover a letter but the same technique can be applied to a painting. I cannot wait to see it complete – we are going for a bit of an animal theme in the nursery. There are going to be three paintings (a giraffe, lion and elephant). The size is of each is about 30cm x 30cm.
Here are a few examples of what decopatching an item can result in . . .

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